Safety - For a long healthy life
Safety is a boring, annoying word when you're a kid. You remember your mom constantly calling out to be carefull? But when you grow up, it's becomes important. I was always pretty cautious myself. I had friends that were caution to the wind, didn't seem to realize the dangers they put themselves into. They scared me a few times. Here at OTS we have a safety policy and being safe is more important than performing ladder gymnastics. I've been cleaning windows for 21 years and have never had an injury by ladder. Falls are the leading cause of injury in the home. With ladders, a solid setup is most important, and self discipline while on the ladder is a close 2nd. You have to stop yourself from reaching for that thing that seems ju-u-u-ust within your reach, or maybe not. Climbing down, resetting, and climbing back up can save your life, or limb. My suggestion for you: stay off the ladder and let us do it for you. We're the Ladder Pro's! Here's a video of a couple guys that set their ladder dangerously, and the result. Funny to watch, but could have been a bad bad result with no humor at all.